Jn2:1-11 The First Sign of His Glory
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# The First Sign
of His Glory ## John 2:1-11 >>> + CECBC prayer: Grace (YA) in Dom. Rep. + 2wk w/Medical Ministry Intl dental + Ps. Calvin @First CRC: work vs study ______ alternate title: The Path to Glory --- [Chloe Kim, 2018 US Olympic gold medalist, snowboarding
State Dept / D. Woolverton / Sean M. Haffey / Getty Images](# "caption") >>> + 2018 Winter Olympics in S.Korea + Chloe Kim: 17yo Korean-Am + youngest woman gold snowboard + father's support + read about **paths** to glory --- # What is the
**path** to glory? >>> + achieve **success** + **make** sth of lives + leave lasting **legacy** + **many** paths to glory? + **hard work**, determination? + **chance** happenstance? + what path did **Jesus** follow on earth? --- ## Covenant: Creation to Christ + The Gift of the *Law* [(Ex 20, Dt 5)](# "ref") + Unless the Lord *Builds* [(Ps 127)](# "ref") + Prepare the *Way* [(Is 57)](# "ref") + *Worship* in Word and Deed [(Is 58)](# "ref") + **The Path to Glory** [(Lk 2)](# "ref") + Christ's *Coronation* [(Mk 15)](# "ref") [###](#/outline "secret") [(img: Bida, "Nicodemus and Jesus", 1874)](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Nicodemus_Jesus.jpg "caption") --- [1](# "ref") On the third day there was a **wedding**
at **Cana** in Galilee,
and the **mother** of Jesus was there. [2](# "ref") Jesus also was **invited** to the wedding
with his disciples. [John 2:1-2 (ESV) (p.1/6)](# "ref") --- [3](# "ref") When the **wine** ran out,
the **mother** of Jesus said to him,
“They have **no wine**.” [4](# "ref") And Jesus said to her,
“Woman, what does this **have to do** with me?
My **hour** has not yet come.” [5](# "ref") His mother said to the **servants**,
“**Do** whatever he tells you.” [John 2:3-5 (ESV) (p.2/6)](# "ref") --- [6](# "ref") Now there were six stone **water jars** there
for the Jewish rites of **purification**,
each holding twenty or thirty gallons. [7](# "ref") Jesus said to the servants,
“**Fill** the jars with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. [John 2:6-7 (ESV) (p.3/6)](# "ref") --- [8](# "ref") And he said to them, “Now **draw** some out
and take it to the **master** of the feast.”
So they took it. [9](# "ref") When the master of the feast
**tasted** the water now become **wine**,
and did not **know** where it came from (though the servants
who had drawn the water knew), [John 2:8-9 (ESV) (p.4/6)](# "ref") --- the master of the feast
called the **bridegroom** [10](# "ref") and said to him, “Everyone serves the **good** wine first,
and when people have drunk freely,
then the **poor** wine. But you have kept the good wine until **now**.” [John 2:9-10 (ESV) (p.5/6)](# "ref") --- [11](# "ref") This, the **first** of his signs,
Jesus did at Cana in Galilee,
and manifested his **glory**. And his disciples **believed** in him. [John 2:11 (ESV) (p.6/6)](# "ref") --- ## First Sign of Glory [(John 2a)](# "ref") 1. Glory in the **Son of God** [(v4a)](# "ref") 2. Glory in **Obedience** to the Father [(v4b)](# "ref") 3. Glory in Showing **Mercy** [(v11)](# "ref") >>> + changed **relationship** w/Mary + from **mother** to **daughter** + own **timing**, **path** to glory + love/eager to show **mercy** --- On the third day there was a **wedding**
at **Cana** in Galilee, and the **mother** of Jesus was there. [John 2:1 (ESV)](# "ref") [(img: Sea of Galilee, © 2007 James Emery, CC-BY 2.0)](https://www.flickr.com/photos/emeryjl/507797526/ "caption") >>> + Jesus **grew up** in Galilee + often to **Jeru** (2-3 days) + now **adult**, call 1st **discip** + Cana: likely **Khirbet Kana** (ruins) + close to **Nazareth** (13km NW) + **Mary**: stayed in Galilee + poss Naz or **Capernaum**: v12 + **Joseph**: not mentioned, poss dead + **wedding**: Jesus willing to attend + cf **John** not eating (Mt11:18-19) --- When the **wine** ran out,
the **mother** of Jesus said to him,
“They have **no wine**.” [John 2:3 (ESV)](# "ref") [(img © 2009 Gunnar Grimnes, CC-BY 2.0)](https://www.flickr.com/photos/gromgull/3375802661/ "caption") >>> + Jewish weddings: **7-8 days** + wine for celebration, **ceremony** + need a **lot** of wine! + Mary: prob **helper**, poss **relative** + felt **resp** for success wed + Jesus: **guest**, not helper + not asking him to **buy** more wine + what was **Mary** thinking? + expecting a **miracle** + but Jesus had **not yet** done any + until now, obedient **son**: --- "Didn’t you know I had to be
in **my Father’s house**?” [51](# "ref") But his mother **treasured** all these things
in her heart. [Luke 2:49,51 (NIV)](# "ref") [(img: Hofmann, "Der zwölfjährige Jesus im Tempel", 1884)](# "caption") >>> + 12yrs old at **temple**: + returned **home**, **obedient** + Mary **treasured** up in heart + Jesus: "my **Father's** house" + who His **real** Father is + mother anticipated **glory** of son + since **before** birth: --- Behold, you will **conceive** in your womb
and bear a **son**,
and you shall call his name **Jesus**. [32](# "ref") He will be **great** and will be called
the Son of the **Most High**. [Luke 1:31-32 (ESV)](# "ref") [(img: Murillo, "The Annunciation", 1660)](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bartolom%C3%A9_Esteban_Perez_Murillo_023.jpg "caption") >>> + real Father: the **Most High** + what would His **greatness** look like? + mother's **hope** for her firstborn + perhaps **impatient** to see His fullest **potential** + now: heard of Jesus' recent **baptism** + **temptation**, call first few **discip** + would **now** be the time? --- The **mother** of Jesus said to him,
“They have **no wine**.” [John 2:3 (ESV)](# "ref") [(img © 2009 Gunnar Grimnes, CC-BY 2.0)](https://www.flickr.com/photos/gromgull/3375802661/ "caption") >>> + not a **demand** or even **request** + gentle **reminder**: + tangible, immediate **need** + perhaps **nudge** to get Jesus going + start **flourishing** amongst **family** + what was Jesus' **response**? --- Jesus saith unto her,
**Woman**, what have **I** to do with **thee**? [John 2:4 (KJV)](# "ref") [(img: Daniel Sarrabat, "The Wedding at Cana)](# "caption") >>> + **woman**: not disrespectful + cf to Mary on **cross** (Jn19:26) + but not **mother**: changed **rl** + KJV: **I** / **thee**: Τί ἐμοὶ καὶ σοί + NIV: why do you **involve** me? + ESV: what does **this** have w/me? + Hebrew **idiom**: what to me and to you? + (Mt8:29) Gadarenes **demoniacs** + (Jo15:18) **Caleb** daughter springs + not about **request**, but **relation** + not doesn't **care** about wedding + not necc **harsh** or irritated + what is the **nature** of our rl now? + e.g., dating: "**DTR**" + in what capacity are you **addressing** me? + a mother's **command** + or a daughter's **petition**? + from mother to **daughter** + from son to **Saviour** --- By a pillar of **cloud** you led them in the day,
and by a pillar of **fire** in the night to **light** for them
the **way** in which they should go. [Nehemiah 9:12 (ESV)](# "ref") [(cf Ex13)](https://mobile.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=ex13:17-22&version=NIV "ref") >>> + growing up in Chr home + pillar of fire as **nightlight**: + take His **blessings** for granted + forgot His **majesty** --- # Do I address Jesus as my **servant**
or my **Saviour**? >>> + **impatient** for God to show His **power**? + remember God's **promises** + but don't see them **fulfilled**? + God needs **reminder** / nudge? + in what **capacity** do I **address** Him? + master's **command** + or servant's **plea**? + what to me and to you? --- ## First Sign of Glory [(John 2a)](# "ref") 1. Glory in the Son of God [(v4a)](# "ref") 2. **Glory in Obedience to the Father** [(v4b)](# "ref") 3. Glory in Showing Mercy [(v11)](# "ref") >>> + as Mary's **son**, obedient + as Mary's **Saviour**: + own **timetable**, own **strategy** + own way of revealing His **glory** --- And Jesus said to her,
“Woman, what does this have to do with me? **My hour** has **not yet** come.” [John 2:4 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + what was Jesus' **plan**? + baptized ⇒ tempted ⇒ call discip + first **public** appearance: + cleanse **temple**, ch2b: --- “Take these things away;
do not make **my Father's** house
a house of **trade**.” [17](# "ref") His disciples **remembered** that it was written,
“**Zeal** for your house will **consume** me.” [John 2:16-17 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + (1) **location**: Jeru, not Galilee + prophet w/o **honour** + (2) **method**: not **miracle** power: + not seeking **fame**, gain glory + personal **encounters** + Nicodemus, Sychar woman + forbade healed from **telling** others + but **authority** over Father's house + (3) demonstrate true **family**: + **my Father's** house (quoting 12-yo) + natural family didn't **understand**: --- "No one works in **secret**
if he seeks to be **known** openly.
If you do these things,
**show yourself** to the world." [6](# "ref") Jesus said to them,
“**My time** has not yet come,
but **your** time is always here." [John 7:4,6 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + well-meaning: want his **success**: + flourish, show **power**, take glory + e.g., pastor **boast** SS kids Ivy League + what is defn of **success**? + v5 brothers didn't **believe** + **my** time vs **your** time: + what to you and me? + 7 world **hates**: testify works evil + appl: parents: release kids into **God's** idea of success + **suffering** for sake of name of Jesus --- Have this **mind** among yourselves,
which is yours in Christ **Jesus**, [6](# "ref") who, though he was in the **form** of God,
did not count **equality** with God
a thing to be **grasped**, [7](# "ref") but **emptied** himself,
by taking the form of a **servant** [Philippians 2:5-7 (ESV)](# "ref") [(img: © 2008 Ian Britton, CC-BY-NC 2.0)](https://www.flickr.com/photos/freefoto/2552357124 "caption") >>> + **grasp**: seize, prize, spoil of war / force + **equality** w/God: take God's **glory** + **servant**: obedient to God's **plan** + v9 then **God** exalted him --- **Humble** yourselves before the Lord,
and he will **lift** you up. [James 4:10 (NIV)](# "ref") --- # Do I seek to be **known** by men, # or to **submit**
to God? >>> + God's **timetable** + **wait** upon the Lord: trust, humility + **humble** thyself in sight of Lord --- ## First Sign of Glory [(John 2a)](# "ref") 1. Glory in the Son of God [(v4a)](# "ref") 2. Glory in Obedience to the Father [(v4b)](# "ref") 3. **Glory in Showing Mercy** [(v11)](# "ref") >>> + check self: how I **view** / address Him? + Jesus' **path** to glory: + not by **seizing** it for self + **submitting** to God's plan + even in **midst** of follow God's plan: + desire to show **mercy** + bc of beloved's **plea** --- His mother said to the **servants**,
“**Do** whatever he tells you.” [John 2:5 (ESV)](# "ref") [(img: Gaetano Gandolfi, "The Marriage at Cana", 1766)](http://art.thewalters.org/detail/29388 "caption") >>> + clear that Jesus will take **action** + despite not Jesus' **method** for glory + nor His **timing** or **location** + miracle done in **private**: + even **master** of ceremonies: v9 + not **reluc**: desire to show **mercy** + **char** of God, **heart** of Christ + Lk18 unrighteous **judge**: ______ + [(Archeology finds stone jars)](https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/ancient-cultures/daily-life-and-practice/jewish-purification-stone-vessel-workshop-galilee/) --- "Though I neither fear **God** nor respect **man**, [5](# "ref") yet because this widow keeps **bothering** me,
I will give her **justice**, so that she will not beat me down
by her **continual** coming." [Luke 18:4-5 (ESV) (p.1/2)](# "ref") >>> + if even an **unjust** judge + is willing to give **justice** + what about our loving, **just** Father? --- Hear what the **unrighteous** judge says. [7](# "ref") And will not God give **justice**
to his **elect**, who **cry** to him day and night? Will he **delay** long over them? [Luke 18:6-7 (ESV) (p.2/2)](# "ref") >>> + v8 will bring **justice**, and **quickly**: + but will he find **faith** on earth? + God **desires** to have mercy upon us + He does not **leave** us to **suffer** in sin + or **wander** searching for His will --- When he saw the crowds,
he had **compassion** for them,
because they were harassed and **helpless**,
like **sheep** without a shepherd. [Matthew 9:36 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + **compassion**: bowels, deeply moved + 37 harvest plentiful, **workers** few + **invites** us particip in compassion + e.g., **5min** bball w/SS teens + even when **tired** + e.g., **share** w/those in need + hurricane Harvey (TX) + even when don't have much --- This, the **first** of his signs,
Jesus did at Cana in Galilee,
and manifested his **glory**. And his disciples **believed** in him. [John 2:11 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + **2nd** sign in Galilee after Passover: + end of Jn4: **Cana** / Capernaum + **glory**: not just **power** for wine + **mercy** to His daughter's **plea** --- He has told you, O man, what is **good**;
and what does the Lord **require** of you but to do **justice**, and to love **kindness**,
and to walk **humbly** with your God? [Micah 6:8 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + God has been **merciful** to us: + **communion**: Christ's + **obedience** to Father + **sacrifice** for our sins + **mercy** in forgiving us + now our turn to have **mercy** on others: --- # Am I **eager** to show **mercy** to others? >>> + even when not according to my **plan**? + He who has been **forgiven** much, + **loves** much (Lk7:47) --- He has told you, O man, what is **good**;
and what does the Lord **require** of you but to do **justice**, and to love **kindness**,
and to walk **humbly** with your God? [Micah 6:8 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + what is the **nature** of my rl w/Christ? + what to you and to me? + do I seek to be **known**, grasp **glory**? + or to **submit**, let God exalt? + am I **eager** to show **mercy** + even when not my **plan** / timing? + bc **God's** great mercy to me? ---